How to remember God’s promises

I have this picture on my phone as the lock screen saver.

Dominque and Jesse, May 2018, photo by Marcus Jackson

This is one of the maternity pics from when I was pregnant with my son. Secondary infertility is something that makes me really nervous. I try not to worry but now that my son is almost three and people continue to ask when are we having the next one, not being able to get pregnant lingers in the back of my mind. I know in theory I can get pregnant, I have been before but circumstances can make you feel different. Even other peoples circumstances make me nervous. I also unfortunately know several people who have had miscarriages. I know their situation isn’t mine, but it doesn’t help me feel any better.

Putting that picture on my phone and seeing it every time I pick my phone up has helped me feel much better. It made start thinking about other things I could do to remember God’s promises to me.

  1. See if you can find a visual image to use as a screen saver on your phone. Maybe its a picture of a house you plan to buy, maybe its a car, it can be anything that serves as a reminder to what God told you.
  2. I started looking through my journal for other times God has answered my prayer. Rather big or small. If he is faithful in small things, he will be faithful in big things too. If you don’t keep a journal start making a list daily of all the prayers God has answered. Its a great reminder of what he can do.
  3. I pulled up verses in the bible app on trust.
bibleapp YouVersion

There were a ton of verses, so I try to read those every morning before I get out of bed and every night before I go to sleep.

4.I put a reminder on my phone of the promise. This is a great idea that I got from One of my alarms says God loves me.

5. Read/Listen to books, devotionals, podcasts, sermons, songs. Anything that can remind you of the promise. You know my go tos right now. Sarah Jakes Roberts, Steven Furtnick. I put two examples below. Check them out, they always encourage me.

I have mentioned many times that God is not going to play you. Constantly reminding yourself of the promise that he made to you, is great way to stop a worry spiral, a whatif parade. He loves you and knows the desires of your heart. Never forget that.

Until next time,



6 thoughts on “How to remember God’s promises

  1. When God created the rainbow it was a sign that he would never bring judgement in the same way again, so the rainbow is a symbol of one of God’s promises even though it has been distorted in our time. All that just to say visual reminders of God’s faithfulness are something God gives us too

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  2. Pingback: How to remember God’s promises — Always finding the silver lining – Jesusluvsall's Blog

  3. I loved that alarm idea. I have immediately set an alarm for myself. Thanks for this post. I used to be just like you, peoples experiences make made nervous, worried and emotional but God directed me to a doctor who operated my hip that had been paining for ten years even after visiting many doctors without success. I spent years unhappy, worried, sad I WAS IN DEEP-END DEPRESSION. From the day I walked out of the hospital to-date, I always feel secure in the God who brought me that one of a lifetime healing. Whenever I go down to pray, I must mention to God about this hip and warm tears of thanksgiving roll down my cheeks. I am always amazed at that one miracle God did in my life. It kicked out every kind of doubt in my system. What is one thing God has done for you that keep you grateful every minute regardless of ALL the uncertainties that the world has to offer? John 16:33

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