Cultivating Self-Discipline: The Power of Setting Boundaries with Yourself

We talked before during self care about keeping your word to yourself. I want to expand on that a little bit. Do you set boundaries with yourself? Do you know what boundaries with yourself are?

Boundaries with oneself are the personal rules and guidelines we set to maintain a healthy relationship with ourselves. These boundaries help us manage our time, energy, and emotions, ensuring we stay aligned with our values and goals. They are essential for self-care, self-discipline, and personal growth.

It’s easier to let yourself down more than anybody else. If we keep pushing back our goal then we really haven’t let ourselves down right? We will eventually get to it. Right? Wrong!

Keeping your word to yourself helps build trust and confidence. I made a writing schedule that I stuck with for a few months now. I didn’t make any excuses I just did it. It felt good too. I am proud of me. I did that by:

Taking things one day at a time 

As always, I’m praying to keep this same energy and not start slacking, but I just need to take this one day at a time. If I miss one day, you miss too, but even if I do a little every day, it’s better than nothing.

Being willing to switch things up

-I used to get up at 530 to write but I can’t necessarily do that now and it’s ok. As long as I get it done that is what counts. I was trying to force myself to do something that no longer fit my schedule or lifestyle and was making it feel like work. Anything that feels1 like unpaid work I’m not going to want to do it. 

This is like point 2b

  • I have to work on not be too rigid and going with the flow. I can have a schedule and an outline but if I get too much structure I start overthinking and it stifles my creativity. 

Setting realistic expectations for yourself

  • It’s crucial to set goals that are achievable within the constraints of your life. By setting realistic expectations, you set yourself up for success rather than disappointment. Adjusting your goals to fit your current circumstances shows self-awareness and adaptability.

Practicing self-compassion

  • Remember to be kind to yourself when things don’t go as planned. It’s okay to stumble along the way; what matters is how you pick yourself back up. Treat yourself with the same empathy and understanding you would offer a friend facing a similar situation.

Celebrating small victories

  • Acknowledge and celebrate the progress you make, no matter how small. Each step forward, no matter how insignificant it may seem, is a testament to your commitment and dedication to personal growth. By celebrating your achievements, you reinforce positive behavior and motivation to continue moving forward.

Reflecting on your journey

  • Take time to reflect on your journey, recognizing the challenges you’ve overcome and the lessons you’ve learned along the way. Self-reflection allows you to gain insight into your habits, strengths, and areas for improvement, empowering you to make informed decisions moving forward.

By implementing these strategies, you can establish healthy boundaries with yourself, cultivate self-discipline, and ultimately achieve your goals with confidence and resilience. Remember, the journey towards self-improvement is ongoing, and each day presents an opportunity for growth and transformation.

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